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Network Meeting GloPart

Submitted by Agnes Dietrich on
Mitglieder des Netzwerks beim Treffen im Staatsministerium

On 26.10.23 the Network Meeting of the University Network for Global Partnerships Baden-Württemberg (GloPart) took place.

16 members of the network participated in the two and a half hour event with an internal work-meeting and the subsequent official network meeting with two representatives of the State Ministry and Ministry of Science, Research and Arts Baden-Württemberg. The internal work meeting offered a lively discussion on the position paper GloPart with policy recommendations from the network. During the discussion round, the participants also had the opportunity to discuss the future of the network.

In the second part of the event, the video "Impressions of the SDG University Day 2023 in Freiburg" allowed participants to look back on this year's SDG University Day. Afterwards, the organization for the upcoming SDG University Day 2024 was officially handed over to the Kehl University of Applied Sciences. The presentation of the results from the previous work-meeting and the discussion closed the network meeting. Many thanks to all participants.