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In the resources section you can find various publications and further links on the subject of global partnerships at universities. In addition to information papers, other media with a special focus on the higher education landscape in Baden-Württemberg are also provided there. The GloPart network is not responsible for the external content.

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DAAD brochure: "Funding your Research in Germany"

A selection of funding programs of the most important research funding institutions for German and foreign scientists.
zwei Personen schauen in ein Buch.

Podcast: Sensitive language - an interactive approach

The project "Reciprocal Knowledge Transfer" from the Africa Centre for Transregional Research at the University of Freiburg is committed to a more sensitive dialog about non-discriminatory language. A podcast with the motto "I'm still allowed to say that! But maybe you shouldn't." has been published.
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Early-Career-Förderung in der deutsch-afrikanischen Wissenschaftskooperation

The Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities is publishing the results of the research project "Early Career Support in German-African Scientific Cooperation - Achievements, Challenges, Perspectives" as part of the series "Food for Thought from the Academy".
In weiß die Umrisse des afrikanischen Kontinents auf schwarzem Hintergrund.

Charta zur Forschungszusammenarbeit zwischen Afrika und dem Globalen Norden

Charter for Transformative Research Collaborations.
Screenshot von der Titelseite des Videos.

After-Movie: Impressions of the SDG University Day 2023 in Freiburg

A Commentary compiled by students of the University of Freiburg and the University of Ghana.
Podiumsdiskussion am SDG Hochschschultag in Freiburg

Report on the SDG University Day Baden-Württemberg 2023

The report documents the discussions around the topic of "De-Colonizing Partnerships" at this year's SDG University Day.
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Blogartikel: Towards Structural Changes for Building Responsible Academic Partnerships

Roseanna Avento, Kelly Brito, and Susanne von Itter have published a blog post in the "New Rhythms of Development" blog series on more responsible and equitable academic partnerships in the field of global development.